I woke up one Friday morning and realized I’d just made $38,000 in the last 48 hours.

To my surprise, I felt nothing.

No excitement, no joy, no relief. I didn’t feel successful or accomplished.

Instead, I immediately worried about how I could replicate the same thing next month. I thought of a colleague who had her first $100,000 cash month, and another coach who makes 10x that on the regular.

$38k in 48 hours is a number that would make so many people feel incredibly happy. And yet, at that moment, it still didn’t feel like enough.

That’s when I recognized that although I had felt worthy of chasing success I didn’t feel worthy of experiencing it.

The experience of success is not something that exists outside of us. It’s not something we can touch, or something we can put a number on. Success is an emotional and physical state that starts in the body.

I woke up one Friday morning and realized I’d just made $38,000 in the last 48 hours.

To my surprise, I felt nothing.

No excitement, no joy, no relief. I didn’t feel successful or accomplished.

Instead, I immediately worried about how I could replicate the same thing next month. I thought of a colleague who had her first $100,000 cash month, and another coach who makes 10x that on the regular.

$38k in 48 hours is a number that would make so many people feel incredibly happy. And yet, at that moment, it still didn’t feel like enough.

That’s when I recognized that although I had felt worthy of chasing success I didn’t feel worthy of experiencing it.

The experience of success is not something that exists outside of us. It’s not something we can touch, or something we can put a number on. Success is an emotional and physical state that starts in the body.

Let Me Be Clear:

I want you to have all the physical things you can touch. The money, the dream home, the body you feel confident and sexy in, the relationship, the clients, the book, the business, the career.

I’m committed to helping you make all of that your reality. But I’ve learned that true success can only be experienced if the things we want come as the byproducts of how we feel and how we show up in life, not the other way around.

Our body is not a fixed structure.

It is an ever-changing universe made of 99% energy and only 1% of matter, which means that each cell in our body is influenced and transformed constantly by the way we feel and what we experience in life.

Our stomach recycles every 5 days

Our skeleton recycles every 3 months

and even the raw material of our DNA renews every 6 weeks

When we intentionally change the way we feel, we literally change our BODY, and with that our ability to show up in our life and influence the outcome of our effort.

Our body is not a fixed structure.

It is an ever-changing universe made of 99% energy and only 1% of matter, which means that each cell in our body is influenced and transformed constantly by the way we feel and what we experience in life.

Our stomach recycles every 5 days

Our skeleton recycles every 3 months

and even the raw material of our DNA renews every 6 weeks

When we intentionally change the way we feel, we literally change our BODY, and with that our ability to show up in our life and influence the outcome of our effort.


Reset / Reboot / Activation

The 3 Day Body Success Reset & Reboot Activation is a movement and nutritional reset experience that blends embodiment practices, plant-based recipes to support detox, meditation and exercise to refresh and renew your body in only 3 days.

A 5-WEEK self-study course designed to help you…

  • Break Free from the Diet Cycle
  • Release Emotional and Physical weight
  • Feel at Ease around Food
  • Find the Confidence and Freedom You Deserve

The Complete Signature program designed to help you:

  • Restore your faith in your body and your ability to heal
  • Release weight and get in the best shape of your life (without dieting)
  • Beat emotional eating and release the excess


Reset / Reboot / Activation

The 3 Day Body Success Reset & Reboot Activation is a movement and nutritional reset experience that blends embodiment practices, plant-based recipes to support detox, meditation and exercise to refresh and renew your body in only 3 days.

A 5-WEEK self-study course designed to help you…

  • Break Free from the Diet Cycle
  • Release Emotional and Physical weight
  • Feel at Ease around Food
  • Find the Confidence and Freedom You Deserve

The Complete Signature program designed to help you:

  • Restore your faith in your body and your ability to heal
  • Release weight and get in the best shape of your life (without dieting)
  • Beat emotional eating and release the excess

I want you to feel the way all of my clients feel…

“Thanks to the work I have done with Rakel I've released 52 lbs without dieting one single day and I shifted the way I feel about myself and my body forever"

- J. Mannina

“Since working with Rakel and practicing with her I am not nearly as hungry as I used to be and I feel naturally comfortable in situations that in the past used to make me feel scared and intimidated. "

- K. Samuels

“Every single woman should start her day with Rakel’s practice!”

- J. Jordan

“There isn't a day that goes bye I don't wish I started working with Rakel sooner"

- S. MecKensey

“Exceptional! Working with Rakel was all I hoped the experience would be and more!”

- K. Bliss

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